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    广东新供销天保再生资源集团有限公司再生资源综合利用基地升级改造项目投标邀请函 INVITATION FOR BIDS

    标书编号(Bid No):0706-17500002J073/03

    来源: 作者: 时间:2018-11-22【字号:

    1、广东新供销天保再生资源集团有限公司(以下简称业主) 已经从德国通过德国复兴信贷银行(KfW)获得一笔贷款,用于采购广东新供销天保再生资源集团有限公司再生资源综合利用基地升级改造项目项下厂房新建和管网工程。


    ① 工程名称:广东新供销天保再生资源集团有限公司再生资源综合利用基地升级改造项目—厂房N18、N22、总平管网工程。
    ② 建设地点:广东省江门鹤山市鹤城镇鹤山工业城A区创荣路天保塑料基地。
    ③ 建设规模与性质:生产厂房
    ④ 建筑面积:27294.04平米,其中厂房N18建筑面积12078.04平米,厂房N22建筑面积15216平米。
    ⑤ 建筑特征
    ⑥ 建筑使用年限:厂房N18、N22合理使用年限为25年。
    ⑦ 计划工期:138日历天。


    ① 在过去3年(2015-2017)中,土建施工年平均营业额至少1050万欧元。投标人应提供1套过去3年(2015-2017)经审计的财务报表复印件。应同时提供经审计的财务报表中文和/或英文翻译供参考。为评标目的,如果财务报表中币种不是欧元,将以开标日中国银行总行首次发布的外币对人民币的现汇卖出价折算成欧元计算。
    ② 过去3年(2015-2017)盈利,并且投标人在过去3年每年的净资产,即总资产和总负债的差额应为正值。投标人应提供1套过去3年(2015-2017)经审计的财务报表复印件。应同时提供经审计的财务报表中文和/或英文翻译供参考。
    ③ 投标人应提供为此项目在开标日前3个月内由投标人开户银行(国外一流或中华人民共和国国有银行省级机构)开具的银行资信证明正本和副本各1份,并提供中文和/或英文翻译供参考。银行资信证明中需注明为此项目提供的信用额度,信用额度应不低于投标总价。如果在银行资信证明中没有显示为此项目(需注明项目名称和招标编号)提供的信用额度和/或银行资信证明由2个以上银行提供,其投标将被拒绝。
    ④ 过去5年(2013-至今)持续营业。投标人应提供1套过去5年(2013-2017)经审计的财务报表复印件。应同时提供经审计的财务报表中文和/或英文翻译供参考。
    ⑤ 在过去5年(2013 -至今)以来,以合同签订时间为准,投标人以施工总承包完成至少2个类似项目。类似项目是指项目单个合同金额不少于 350万欧元,并且其中至少含建筑面积3万平米以上的单体工业、民用工程1项或钢筋混凝土结构单跨30米以上(或钢结构单跨36米以上)的建筑工程1项。
    ⑥ 在过去5年(2013-至今)以来,以合同签订时间为准,投标人作为土建工程承包商或卖方完成至少1个利用国际金融组织贷款或外国政府贷款项目,单个合同金额不少于350万欧元。
    ⑦ 投标人应提供1套证明彩色扫描复印件,证实其符合ISO9001质量管理体系认证、ISO14001环境管理体系认证和OHSAS18001职业健康安全管理体系认证标准或同等标准。
    ⑧ 投标人已注册10年及以上,企业注册资本金人民币1亿元及以上。为评标目的,如注册资本金为外币,将以开标日中国银行总行首次发布的外币对人民币的现汇卖出价换算成人民币计算。投标人需提供1套注册登记的营业范围、营业执照和/或所有相关的注册登记文件复印件,并且提供相关文件的中文和/或英文翻译供参考。
    ⑨ 财务资源需满足的最低数额=所有当前尚未完工合同的月支付数额之和+投标总价,财务资源包括营运资金、信用额度及其他财务来源。投标人应提供其财务资源证明材料中文和/或英文翻译供参考,财务资源证明材料以经审计的财务报表和银行出具的有关信用额度的资信证明为准,银行资信证明不能以存款证明代替。为评标目的,如果财务资源证明材料中币种不是欧元,将以开标日中国银行总行首次发布的外币对人民币的现汇卖出价折算成欧元。
    ⑩ 投标人应提供在过去三年(2015-至今)以来合同完成或执行过程中准确的诉讼或仲裁的信息和最大的赔偿责任限额。所有未决的诉讼和仲裁,如有,都应以不利于投标人一方解决,其总额应不超过投标人总资产和总负债差额净值的50%。如资料显示投标人总是败诉,其投标将被拒绝。
    11 投标人必须证明其能够满足完成本土建工程关键设备的要求。(由投标人自行申报,投标人需提供购买施工机械设备的发票或租赁合同复印件。)
    12 投标人需承诺自行办理其在地方建委的备案手续。由投标人出具加盖单位公章和法定代表人签字或盖章的承诺书证明。
    13 没有处于被责令停业,投标资格被取消,财产被接管、冻结,破产状态。由投标人出具加盖单位公章和法定代表人签字或盖章的承诺书证明。
    14 在最近三年内没有骗取中标和严重违约及重大工程质量问题。由投标人出具加盖单位公章和法定代表人签字或盖章的承诺书证明。
    15 投标人在法律和财务方面独立,并与招标人或招标代理机构无任何隶属关系;单位负责人为同一人或者存在控股、管理关系的不同单位,不得同时参加本项目的投标。需由申请人出具加盖单位公章和法定代表人签字或盖章的承诺书证明,说明投标人在法律和财务方面独立,并与招标人或招标代理机构无任何隶属关系;并且不存在单位负责人为同一人或者存在控股、管理关系的不同单位,同时参加本项目的投标情况。
    ① 投标人须具有建设行政主管部门核发的建筑工程施工总承包一级(含一级)以上资质。
    ② 投标人须具有省级住房和城乡建设厅颁发的安全生产许可证。
    ① 项目经理具备建筑工程专业一级注册建造师执业资格,同时具备有效的安全生产考核合格证书(即建安B本),且未担任其他在建工程的项目经理。
    ② 投标人必须证明其能够满足如下关键职位的人员要求:
    序号 职务 学历 职称和执业资格证书 工作经验(年) 类似项目工程经验(年)
    1 项目经理 本科及以上 工程师和一级注册建造师 10 5
    2 项目总工 本科及以上 高级工程师 15 8
    3 安全负责人 本科及以上 工程师 10 5
    4 质检负责人 本科及以上 工程师 10 5
    5 财务负责人 本科及以上 会计中级职称 8 5


    ① 1份法人授权委托书英文正本、经办人本人身份证或护照原件和1份复印件,并且提供相关文件的中文和/或英文翻译供参考。
    ② 1套注册登记的营业范围、营业执照和/或所有相关的注册登记文件复印件,并且提供相关文件的中文和/或英文翻译供参考。
    ③ 建筑工程施工总承包一级(含一级)以上资质证书、安全生产许可证的彩色扫描复印件各1份,并且提供相关文件的中文和/或英文翻译供参考。
    ④ 项目经理的身份证、一级注册建造师执业资格证书、建安B类安全生产考核合格证书的彩色扫描复印件各1份,并且提供相关文件的中文和/或英文翻译供参考。
    ⑤ 1套过去5年(2013-2017)经审计的财务报表复印件,同时提供经审计的财务报表中文和/或英文翻译供参考。
    ⑥ 施工业绩证明文件,投标人应提供1套相关书面证明文件复印件,包括但不限于合同、完工证明、交/竣工验收证书等彩色扫描复印件,证明其在过去5年(2013 -至今)以来,以合同签订时间为准,投标人以施工总承包完成至少2个类似项目。类似项目是指项目单个合同金额不少于 350万欧元,并且其中至少含建筑面积3万平米以上的单体工业、民用工程1项或钢筋混凝土结构单跨30米以上(或钢结构单跨36米以上)的建筑工程1项。相关材料应能证明符合业绩要求的内容,合同复印件至少应能显示建设地点、建设内容、合同金额、业主联系方式、合同签订日和签约方签字盖章页。并且提供相关证明文件的中文和/或英文翻译供参考。为评标目的,如果合同币种不是欧元,将以开标日中国银行总行首次发布的外币对人民币的现汇卖出价换算成欧元计算。
    ⑦ 利用国际金融组织贷款或外国政府贷款项目业绩证明文件,投标人应提供1套相关书面证明文件复印件,包括但不限于合同、完工证明、交/竣工验收证书等彩色扫描复印件,证明其在过去5年(2013-至今)以来,以合同签订时间为准,投标人作为土建工程承包商或卖方完成至少1个利用国际金融组织贷款或外国政府贷款项目,单个合同金额不少于350万欧元。相关材料应能证明符合业绩要求的内容,合同复印件至少应能显示建设地点、建设内容、合同金额、业主联系方式、合同签订日和签约方签字盖章页。并且提供相关证明文件的中文和/或英文翻译供参考。为评标目的,如果合同币种不是欧元,将以开标日中国银行总行首次发布的外币对人民币的现汇卖出价换算成欧元计算。
    ⑧ 1套证明文件复印件,证实投标人符合ISO9000质量管理体系认证、ISO14001环境管理体系认证和OHSAS18001职业健康安全管理体系认证标准或同等标准,并且提供相关文件的中文和/或英文翻译供参考。

    6、所有投标书应于 2019年1月8日上午9时30分 (北京时间)之前递交到招标机构指定地点。在此时间后递交的标书将不被接受。

    7、兹定于 2019年1月8日上午9时30分 (北京时间)公开开标,开标地点在北京丰台区西三环中路90号公海彩船大厦会议室(邮编100055)。届时请参加投标的投标人出席开标仪式。每个投标人只能派1名授权代表出席开标仪式,授权代表需出示法人授权书正本和其身份证原件后才能进入开标室,递交投标文件。



    业主名称: 广东新供销天保再生资源集团有限公司
    地 址: 广州市番禺区大石街沿江中路26号
    邮 编: 511430
    联 系 人: 陈启贤 先生
    电 话: 020-39183999 分机278
    传 真: 020-87653047

    招标代理名称: 中国技术进出口集团有限公司
    地 址: 北京市丰台区西三环中路90号公海彩船大厦2107室
    邮 编: 100055
    联 系 人: 邹峻峰 先生、鲁晓萱 女士、焦继庆
    电 话: 010-63349322,63349164,63349365
    传 真: 010-63373746
    电子邮箱: zoujunfeng@cntic.genertec.com.cn

    户 名: 中国技术进出口集团有限公司
    开户银行: 中国银行北京西城支行
    银行代码: BKCHCNBJ110
    银行地址: 中国北京阜成门外大街5号
    银行邮编: 100037
    帐 号: 人民币:349357516632
    美 元:325957516809
    欧 元:333757516829


    Bid No: 0706-17500002J073/03
    Upgrading Project of Comprehensive Utilization Base of Renewable Resources for Guangdong New Co-op Tianbao Renewable Resources Group Co., Ltd.

    1. Guangdong New Co-op Tianbao Renewable Resources Group Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the Employer) has received financing from the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany through KfW Development Bank (KfW) towards the cost for procuring new plant construction and pipe network engineering under Upgrading Project of Comprehensive Utilization Base of Renewable Resources for Guangdong New Co-op Tianbao Renewable Resources Group Co., Ltd..

    China National Technical Import & Export Corporation (hereinafter referred to as CNTIC) as the Tendering Agent and on behalf of the Employer hereby invites sealed bids from eligible bidders for new plant construction and pipe network engineering under Upgrading Project of Comprehensive Utilization Base of Renewable Resources for Guangdong New Co-op Tianbao Renewable Resources Group Co., Ltd.. Documentary evidence will be required of all bidders that they have qualifications, experience and capacity to be able to successfully complete the contract on time for the civil works offered.

    2. Engineering overview
    ① Project name: Upgrading Project of Comprehensive Utilization Base of Renewable Resources for Guangdong New Co-op Tianbao Renewable Resources Group Co., Ltd.. - Workshops N18 and N22, Landscape and Greening and Pipe Network Works.
    ② Construction place: Tianbao plastic base, Chuangrong Road, Zone A, Heshang Industrial City, Heshan, Jiangmen City, Guangdong Province, P.R.China
    ③ Construction scale and nature: production workshop
    ④ Building area: 27,294.04 m2, of which the building area of the workshop N18 is 12,078.04 m2 and that of the workshop N22 is 15,216 m2.
    ⑤ Architectural characteristics
    Number of floors: one floor underground and three floors above the ground for N18, and one floor above the ground for workshop N22.
    Height: 11.7 m for N18 and 12.1 m for N22
    Structure: steel and reinforced concrete structure
    ⑥ Service life: the reasonable service life of workshops N18 and N22 is 25 years.
    ⑦ Planned Construction period: 138 calendar days.

    3. Bidding will be conducted through the International Competitive Bidding procedures. The bidding is open to all bidders from Eligible Sources Countries as defined in KfW’s Guidelines for Procurement of Goods, Works and associated Services in Financial Cooperation with Partner Countries. The currency of the bid shall be EURO. The Bid, as well as all correspondence and documents relating to the bid exchanged by the Bidder, the Tendering Agent and the Employer, shall be written in English and Chinese languages. The two languages of Chinese and English have the same effectiveness. In the event of any discrepancies between them, the English version shall govern.
    4. Qualification requirements for bidder
    It is the legal entity or entities comprising the Bidder, and not the Bidder’s parent companies, subsidiaries, or affiliates, independent management, independent accounting, that must satisfy the qualification criteria described below.
    The bidder in the form of joint bidding or a Joint Venture (JV) is allowed. In case of joint venture as the bidder, the number of members for Joint Venture shall be not more than two companies and the bidder shall provide the Joint Venture agreement as per bidding document. The leader of the joint venture must be construction enterprise with construction qualifications and the partner of the joint venture can be construction enterprise or trading company. All members of the joint venture shall meet the related qualification and experience requirements for the eligible bidders as per bidding document.
    “*”The minimum qualification and experience requirements for the eligible bidders are as follows:
    ① During the last three years (2015 - 2017), the average annual turnover of civil construction should at least be EUR 10.5 million. The Bidder shall provide one copy of the audited financial statement of the last three years (2015 - 2017). Moreover, the Bidder shall provide the Chinese and / or English translation of the audited financial statement for reference. If the currency in the financial statement is not euro, the amount in the financial statement shall be calculated by converting it into euro as per the selling rate between foreign currency and Renminbi that is firstly issued by the head office of Bank of China on the date of bid opening for the bid evaluation purpose.
    In the event of bidding from the joint venture, in the last three years (2015 - 2017), the average annual turnover of civil construction should at least be EUR 10.5 million for the leader of the joint venture; the average annual turnover should at least be EUR 2.625 million for the partner of the joint venture. All members of the joint venture shall provide one copy of the audited financial statement of the last three years (2015 - 2017) respectively. Moreover, the Bidder shall provide the Chinese and / or English translation of the audited financial statement for reference.
    ② Profitability in the last three years (2015 - 2017) and the Bidder’s annual net assets in the last three years, that is the difference of total assets and total liabilities, should be positive. The Bidder shall provide one copy of the audited financial statement of the last three years (2015 - 2017). Moreover, the Bidder shall provide the Chinese and / or English translation of the audited financial statement for reference.
    In the event of bidding from the joint venture, all members of the joint venture shall meet the requirement respectively and shall provide one copy of the audited financial statement of the last three years (2015 - 2017) respectively. Moreover, the Bidder shall provide the Chinese and / or English translation of the audited financial statement for reference.
    ③ The Bidder shall provide one original and one copy of the bank reference letter issued for the project by the deposit bank (the international first class bank or the provincial-level branch of state-owned banks of the People's Republic of China) of the Bidder within 3 months prior to the date of bid opening and also the Chinese and / or English translation for reference. The line of credit provided for the project shall be indicated in the bank reference letter and shall not be less than the total bid price. If the line of credit (with the project name and bidding number indicated) provided for the project is not indicated in the bank reference letter and / or the bank reference letter is provided by more than 2 banks, the bids will be rejected.
    In the event of bidding from the joint venture, all members of the joint venture shall provide the bank reference letter respectively. The line of credit provided for the project shall be indicated in the bank reference letter of the leading party of the joint venture, and shall not be less than the total bid price.
    ④ It must be under continuous operation in the last five years (2013 - now). The Bidder shall provide one copy of the audited financial statement of the last five years (2013 - 2017). Moreover, the Bidder shall provide the Chinese and / or English translation of the audited financial statement for reference. In the event of bidding from the joint venture, all members of the joint venture shall meet the requirement respectively, and shall provide one copy of the audited financial statement of the last five years (2013 - 2017) separately. Moreover, the Bidder shall provide the Chinese and / or English translation of the audited financial statement for reference.
    ⑤ During the last five years (2013 - now), the Bidder should complete at least 2 similar projects as the construction general contractor according to the contract signature date. Similar projects mean the project of which, the individual contract amount is not less than EUR 3.5 million, and at least 1 unit industrial and civil works with the building area more than 30,000 m2 and 1 construction works of the reinforced concrete structure with the single span more than 30 m (or steel structure with the single span over 36 m) are included.
    The Bidder shall provide the relevant written certification documents, including, but not limited to, the color scanned copies of contract, certificate of completion and delivery / completion acceptance certificate; the documents shall be able to prove the contents meeting the performance requirements, the copies of contract shall at least indicate the construction location, construction content, contract amount, the owner's contact information, contract signature date and the pages with the signature and seal of the signatory. Moreover, the Bidder shall provide the Chinese and / or English translation of the relevant certification documents for reference. The Bidder shall submit the original written certification documents at the bid opening site for bid evaluation verification. If the Bidder fails to submit the original written certification documents at the bid opening site, the bids will be rejected. If the contract currency is not Euro, the amount in the contract shall be calculated by converting it into Euro as per the selling rate between foreign currency and Renminbi that is firstly issued by the head office of Bank of China on the date of bid opening for the bid evaluation purpose.
    In the event of bidding from the joint venture, the leading party of the joint venture shall meet the requirement.
    ⑥ During the last five years (2013 - now), the Bidder should complete at least 1 project with the loan from international financial organizations or foreign governments as the contractor of civil works or the seller according to the contract signature date, and the individual contract amount shall not be less than EUR 3.5 million.
    The Bidder shall provide the relevant written certification documents, including, but not limited to, the color scanned copies of contract, certificate of completion and delivery / completion acceptance certificate; the documents shall be able to prove the contents meeting the performance requirements, the copies of contract shall at least indicate the construction location, construction content, contract amount, the owner's contact information, contract signature date and the pages with the signature and seal of the signatory. Moreover, the Bidder shall provide the Chinese and / or English translation of the relevant certification documents for reference. The Bidder shall submit the original written certification documents at the bid opening site for bid evaluation verification. If the Bidder fails to submit the original written certification documents at the bid opening site, the bids will be rejected. If the contract currency is not Euro, the amount in the contract shall be calculated by converting it into Euro as per the selling rate between foreign currency and Renminbi that is firstly issued by the head office of Bank of China on the date of bid opening for the bid evaluation purpose.
    In the event of bidding from the joint venture, the leading party or members of the joint venture shall meet the requirement.
    ⑦ The Bidder shall provide 1 color scanned copy of certificate to proving that the Bids comply with ISO9001 Quality Management System Certification, ISO14001 Environmental Management System Certification and OHSAS18001 Occupational Health and Safety Management System Certification standard or equivalent standards.
    In the event of bidding from the joint venture, the leading party of the joint venture shall meet the requirement.
    ⑧ The Bidder has registered for ten years and above, with the registered capital of the enterprises of RMB 100 million and above. If the enterprise was registered in foreign currency, the amount of the registered capital shall be calculated by converting it into Renminbi as per the selling rate between foreign currency and Renminbi that is firstly issued by the head office of Bank of China on the date of bid opening for the bid evaluation purpose. The Bidder shall provide 1 copy of the registered line of scope, business license and / or all relevant registered documents and also the Chinese and / or English translation of the relevant documents for reference.
    In the event of bidding from the joint venture, the leading party of the joint venture shall meet the requirement. The member of the joint venture should have been registered for ten years and above, and the registered capital of the enterprise shall be RMB 10 million and above.
    ⑨ The minimum amount to be met for financial resources = the sum of the monthly payment amounts for all current unfinished contracts + the total bid price. Financial resources include working capital, line of credit and other financial sources. The Bidder shall provide the financial resources certification documents in Chinese and / or English for reference. The financial resources certification documents shall subject to the audited financial statements and the bank reference letter in relation to the line of credit issued by banks, and the bank reference letter cannot be replaced by the certificate of deposit. If the currency in the financial resources certification documents is not Euro, the amount in the financial resources certification documents shall be calculated by converting it into Euro as per the selling rate between foreign currency and Renminbi that is firstly issued by the head office of Bank of China on the date of bid opening for the bid evaluation purpose.
    In the event of bidding from the joint venture, the leading party of the joint venture shall meet the requirement.
    ⑩ The Bidder shall provide accurate information of litigation or arbitration and the maximum limit of liability after and during contract execution in the last three years (2015 - now). All pending litigations and arbitrations (if any) shall be settled against the Bidder, and the total sum shall not be greater than 50% of the net difference of the total assets and total liabilities of the Bidder. If the Bidder always loses the lawsuits as indicated in relevant information, its biding will be rejected.
    In the event of bidding from the joint venture, all members of the joint venture shall meet the requirement respectively.
    11 The Bidder shall demonstrate that it is capable of meeting the requirements of completing the critical equipment of the civil works. (The Bidder shall declare and provide copies of the invoice or lease contract for purchasing construction machinery equipment.)
    In the event of bidding from the joint venture, the leading party of the joint venture shall meet the requirement.
    12 The Bidder shall undertake to secure the registration formalities in the local construction committee. The Bidder shall issue the letter of commitment with the official seal and the signature or seal of the legal representative.
    In the event of bidding from the joint venture, all members of the joint venture shall meet the requirement respectively.
    13 The Bidder is not ordered to suspend all business and disqualified for bidding, and is not in the state its property is taken over or frozen, and bankruptcy. The Bidder shall issue the letter of commitment with the official seal and the signature or seal of the legal representative.
    In the event of bidding from the joint venture, all members of the joint venture shall meet the requirement respectively.
    14 The Bidder never won a bid through fraud, had serious breach of contract and major engineering quality problems in the last three years. The Bidder shall issue the letter of commitment with the official seal and the signature or seal of the legal representative.
    In the event of bidding from the joint venture, all members of the joint venture shall meet the requirement respectively.
    15 The Bidder is legally and financially independent and is in no membership of the tenderee or the tendering agent; organizations with same director or different company with holding and administration relationships shall not participate in bidding of the project at the same time. The bidder shall issue the letter of commitment with the official seal and the signature or seal of the legal representative, to prove that the Bidder is legally and financially independent and is in no membership of the tenderee or the tendering agent, and there is no situation that organizations with same director or different company with holding and administration relationships participate in bidding of the project at the same time.
    In the event of bidding from the joint venture, all members of the joint venture shall meet the requirement respectively.
    “*” The Bidder shall have the following qualification certificates:
    ① The Bidder shall have the qualification above Grade I (including Grade I) for general contracting of construction.
    The Bidder shall provide the color scanned copy of the above qualification certificates with official seal or the signature of the authorized representative. The Bidder shall submit the original of the qualification certificates at the bid opening site for bid evaluation verification. If the Bidder fails to submit the original of the qualification certificates at the bid opening site, the bid will be rejected.
    In the event of bidding from the joint venture, the leading party of the joint venture shall meet the requirement.
    ② The Bidder shall have the work safety license issued by the provincial-level housing and urban and rural construction department.
    The Bidder shall provide the color scanned copy of the above qualification certificates with official seal or the signature of the authorized representative. The Bidder shall submit the original of the qualification certificates at the bid opening site for bid evaluation verification. If the Bidder fails to submit the original of the qualification certificates at the bid opening site, its bidding will be rejected.
    In the event of bidding from the joint venture, the leading party of the joint venture shall meet the requirement.
    “*” Requirements for project manager and other staff:
    ① The project manager shall have the vocational qualification of Grade I certified constructor of architectural engineering specialty and also valid work safety competence certificates (i.e., construction safety B certificate) and not serve as the project manager of other projects under construction.
    The Bidder shall provide the color scanned copy of the above qualification certificates with official seal or the signature of the authorized representative, and the letter of commitment to undertake that the project manager is not the project manager of other projects under construction. The letter of commitment shall be provided with the official seal or the signature or seal of the legal representative. The Bidder shall submit the original of the qualification certificates at the bid opening site for bid evaluation verification. If the Bidder fails to submit the original of the qualification certificates at the bid opening site, its bidding will be rejected.
    In the event of bidding from the joint venture, the leading party of the joint venture shall meet the requirement.
    ② The Bidder shall demonstrate that it is capable of meeting the requirements for staff of the following key positions:
    No. Position Educational background Title and registered qualification certificate Working experience (year) Experience of similar projects (year)
    1 Project manager Bachelor degree and above Engineer and Grade I certified constructor 10 5
    2 Chief engineer Bachelor degree and above Senior engineer 15 8
    3 Safety director Bachelor degree and above Engineer 10 5
    4 Quality control director Bachelor degree and above Engineer 10 5
    5 Financial manager Bachelor degree and above Accountant of intermediate professional title 8 5
    The Bidder shall provide copies of the registered certificate and / or registered qualification certificate, professional title certificate, certificate of diploma, labor contract (that can demonstrate that the staff is the fixed staff of the Bidder's organization) and the social security certificates paid by the Bidder, as well as resumes of the above staff, and the official seal or the signature of the authorized representative shall be provided on the copies.
    In the event of bidding from the joint venture, the leading party of the joint venture shall meet the requirement.
    Only Bids received from bidders duly registered with CNTIC when buying the bidding document will be accepted.

    5. The prospective bidders who are interested in this project are kindly requested to contact China National Technical Import & Export Corporation for obtaining bidding document between 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. on working days from November 22nd, 2018 to December 6th, 2018 Beijing time (Weekend and public holidays excepted) in Room 2107, Genertec Plaza, No.90 Xisanhuan Zhonglu, Fengtai District, Beijing, China, 100055, upon non-refundable payment of RMB6,600.00 or USD1,000.00. We can accept the request from the applicant for dispatch by registered mail, but under no circumstances will it be held responsible for late delivery or loss of the documents so mailed. For mail order, an extra RMB400.00 (domestic) or USD100.00 (abroad) shall be added.

    The authorized representative of prospective bidders should provide the following documents for registering before obtaining the bidding document and send the colorful scanned documents to the Tendering Agent by E-mail. The documents shall be used only for purchasing the bidding document, shall not be a part of the bid document and can not be used for bid opening and bid evaluation. If any prospective bidder does not submit the following documents, the bidder can not purchase the bidding document. The certificates and documents required in the registration materials are all copies which shall be affixed with the official seal or signed by the Attorney. In case the bidder is a Joint Venture (JV), the bidder shall register and buy the bidding document as the name of all partners to the joint venture. All members of the Joint Venture shall provide the required documents respectively.
    ①One original of the Power of Attorney in English, the original and one duplicate copy of identification card or passport of the responsible person. The Bidder shall provide Chinese and/or English translation of related documents for reference.
    ②One copy of the registered scope of the business, business license and/or all related registration documents. The Bidder shall provide Chinese and/or English translation of related documents for reference.
    ③One colorful scanned copy of qualification certificates of above first grade (including first grade) for general contracting of construction works and safety production permit.The Bidder shall provide Chinese and/or English translation of related documents for reference.
    ④One colorful scanned copy of identification card of project manager, registered qualification certificate of first grade constructor and safety production examination certificate B for construction and installation works. The Bidder shall provide Chinese and/or English translation of related documents for reference.
    ⑤One copy of audited financial statements in the past five years (2013-2017). The Bidder shall provide Chinese and/or English translation of audited financial statement for reference.
    ⑥Construction experience certificates, the bidder shall provide one copy of documentary evidence, certifying that during the last five years (2013 - now), the Bidder should complete at least 2 similar projects as the construction general contractor according to the contract signature date. Similar projects mean the project of which, the individual contract amount is not less than EUR 3.5 million, and at least 1 unit industrial and civil works with the building area more than 30,000 m2 and 1 construction works of the reinforced concrete structure with the single span more than 30 m (or steel structure with the single span over 36 m) are included.
    The Bidder shall provide the relevant written certification documents, including, but not limited to, the color scanned copies of contract, certificate of completion and delivery / completion acceptance certificate; the documents shall be able to prove the contents meeting the performance requirements, the copies of contract shall at least indicate the construction location, construction content, contract amount, the owner's contact information, contract signature date and the pages with the signature and seal of the signatory. Moreover, the Bidder shall provide the Chinese and / or English translation of the relevant certification documents for reference. The Bidder shall submit the original written certification documents at the bid opening site for bid evaluation verification. If the Bidder fails to submit the original written certification documents at the bid opening site, the bids will be rejected. If the contract currency is not Euro, the amount in the contract shall be calculated by converting it into Euro as per the selling rate between foreign currency and Renminbi that is firstly issued by the head office of Bank of China on the date of bid opening for the bid evaluation purpose.
    ⑦International finance institute loan or foreign government loan project experience certificates, the bidder shall provide one copy of documentary evidence, certifying that during the last five years (2013 - now), the Bidder should complete at least 1 project with the loan from international financial organizations or foreign governments as the contractor of civil works or the seller according to the contract signature date, and the individual contract amount shall not be less than EUR 3.5 million.
    The Bidder shall provide the relevant written certification documents, including, but not limited to, the color scanned copies of contract, certificate of completion and delivery / completion acceptance certificate; the documents shall be able to prove the contents meeting the performance requirements, the copies of contract shall at least indicate the construction location, construction content, contract amount, the owner's contact information, contract signature date and the pages with the signature and seal of the signatory. Moreover, the Bidder shall provide the Chinese and / or English translation of the relevant certification documents for reference. The Bidder shall submit the original written certification documents at the bid opening site for bid evaluation verification. If the Bidder fails to submit the original written certification documents at the bid opening site, the bids will be rejected. If the contract currency is not Euro, the amount in the contract shall be calculated by converting it into Euro as per the selling rate between foreign currency and Renminbi that is firstly issued by the head office of Bank of China on the date of bid opening for the bid evaluation purpose.
    ⑧One copy of the certificates certifying that the bidder has been found to conform to relevant standards of quality management system ISO 9000, environmental management system ISO14001, occupational health and safety management system OHSAS18001 or equivalent. The Bidder shall provide Chinese and/or English translation of related documents for reference.
    6. The deadline for submission of bids is before or at 9:30 a.m. on January 8th, 2019 (Beijing time). Bids received after that date and time would not be accepted.

    7. Bids will be opened in public at 9:30 a.m. on January 8th, 2019 (Beijing time) at the place of conference room, Genertec Plaza, No. 90 Xisanhuan Zhonglu, Fengtai District, Beijing, China, (100055). Bidders are kindly requested to be present. Each bidder can only assign one authorized representative to attend the bid opening ceremony. The authorized representative can enter the bid opening room and submit the bids only after showing the original power of attorney and the original identification card.

    8. This Invitation for Bids will be published in China on the website “www.chinabidding.com” and in Germany in the data bases of Germany Trade and Invest (GTAI).

    The bidders shall register on the website “www.chinabidding.com” before deadline for submission of bids. The bid evaluation results will be released on the website.

    Name of Employer: Guangdong New Co-op Tianbao Renewable Resources Group Co., Ltd.
    Address: No.26 Yanjiang Zhong Lu, Dashi street, Panyu district, Guangzhou city, Guangdong province, P.R.China
    Post Code: 511430
    Contact person: Mr. Chen Qixian
    Tel. No.: 020-39183999 extension 278
    Fax No.: 020-87653047

    Name of Tendering Agent: China National Technical Import & Export Corporation
    Address: Room 2107, Genertec Plaza, No. 90 Xisanhuan Zhonglu, Fengtai District, Beijing, China
    Post Code: 100055
    Contact person: Mr. Zou Junfeng, Ms.Lu Xiaoxuan, Mr.Jiao Jiqing
    Tel. No.: 010-63349322, 63349164, 63349365
    Fax No.: 010-63373746
    E-Mail: zoujunfeng@cntic.genertec.com.cn

    Name of account: China National Technical Import & Export Corporation
    Bank: Bank of China Beijing Xicheng Sub-branch
    Bank address: No.5 Fuchengmenwai Street, Beijing China
    Post Code:100037
    Swift Code: BKCHCNBJ110
    Account No.: 349357516632(for CNY)
    325957516809(for USD)
    333757516829(for EUR)
