利用欧佩克基金建设陕西青年职业学院新校区项目 资格预审投标邀请函 招标编号:0706-18500004N022
1、陕西青年职业学院(以下简称业主) 已经从欧佩克基金获得一笔贷款,用于利用欧佩克基金建设陕西青年职业学院新校区项目项下土建工程建设。
2、项目概况 陕西青年职业学院(陕西省团校)新校区建设工程,位于西安市长安区常宁新区,在常宁宫附近,具体为神禾四路以北、陕西电子科技职业学院以东、神禾三路以南。新校区规划总用地面积395亩(其中净用地331亩),总建筑面积260730平方米(其中地上218997平方米,地下人防和车库41733平方米)。总投资约10.37亿元,计划2018年9月开工,2021年12月竣工。 3、工程概况 本工程是陕西青年职业学院新校区建设工程中利用欧佩克基金建设工程。 ① 工程建设地点:位于西安市长安区常宁新区,具体为神禾四路以北、陕西电子科技职业学院以东、神禾三路以南。 ② 建设规模:包括1#、2#、3#、4#实训楼、5#和8#两栋教学楼、6#综合楼、7#图书馆、9#系及教师办公楼、14#学生活动中心、21#会堂及22#教学区地下建筑等,建筑面积合计117931平方米,概算约2.97亿元。 11栋建筑物具体为: 1#实验实训、教学楼为框架结构(地上5层),高度20.55米,建筑面积10403平方米 2#实验实训、教学楼为框架结构,地上5层,地下1层,高度20.55米,地上建筑面积9711平方米,地下建筑面积1935平方米,总建筑面积11646平方米。 3#实验实训、教学楼为框架结构,地上5层,地下1层,高度20.55米,地上建筑面积9711平方米,地下建筑面积1935平方米,总建筑面积11646平方米。 4#实验实训、教学楼为框架结构,地上5层,无地下,高度20.55米,建筑面积10403平方米。 5#教学楼为框架结构,地上5层,无地下,高度20.25米,建筑面积10311平方米。 6#综合楼为框架结构,地上5层,地下1层,高度20.55米,地上建筑面积9726平方米,地下建筑面积1927平方米,总建筑面积11653平方米。 7#图书馆为框架剪力墙结构,地上5层,无地下,高度24米,建筑面积13547平方米。 8#教学楼为框架结构,地上5层,无地下,高度20.25米,建筑面积10311平方米。 9#系及教师办公用房为框架结构,地上5层,无地下,高度20.25米,建筑面积8387平方米。 14#师生活动用房为框架结构,地上2层/3层,无地下,高度19.65米,建筑面积3149平方米。 21#会堂为框架结构,地上2层,无地下,高度18.75米,建筑面积3352平方米。 22#教学区地下室建筑面积为框架剪力墙结构,无地上,地下1层,高度4米,建筑面积13083平方米。 ③ 计划工期:610日历天。
5、投标人资格要求 合格投标人的最低资格和经验要求如下:
① 申请参予本工程投标资审的投标人须具备政府有权机关核发的有效营业执照、建设行政主管部门核发的建筑工程施工总承包二级(含二级)以上资质和省级住房和城乡建设厅颁发的安全生产许可证。 ② 投标人已注册不少于十年,企业注册资本金人民币二亿元及以上。 ③ 项目经理资格条件:项目经理具备建筑工程专业一级注册建造师执业资格,同时具备有效的安全生产考核合格证书(即建安B本),且未担任其他在建工程的项目经理。 ④ 具有独立法人资格、自主经营、独立核算并具备类似工程施工经历和一定业绩; ⑤ 设备、人员、资金和质量保证、施工安全、环境保护等管理体系方面具有圆满完成本工程的足够能力并有充足有效的证明材料。 ⑥ 在过去3年(2015-2017)中,土建工程年平均营业额至少1.3亿美元。投标人应提供1套过去3年(2015-2017)经审计的财务报表复印件。应同时提供经审计的财务报表中文,并提供英文翻译供参考。为评标目的,如果财务报表中币种不是美元,将以开标日中国银行总行首次发布的外币对人民币的现汇卖出价折算成美元。 ⑦ 过去3年(2015-2017)盈利,并且投标人在过去3年每年的净资产,即总资产和总负债的差额应为正值。 ⑧ 投标人应提供一份在开标前三个月内由其银行开立的银行资信证明原件,应提供中文,并提供英文翻译供参考。银行资信证明中需注明信用额度,信用额度应不低于2000万美元或等值的人民币(以开标日中国银行总行首次发布的美元对人民币的现汇卖出价折算成美元计算)。如果在银行资信证明中没有显示提供的信用额度和/或银行资信证明由2个以上银行提供,其投标将被拒绝。 ⑨ 在过去10年(自2008年1月1日至招标公告发布日)以来,以合同签订时间为准,投标人以施工总承包完成至少2个类似项目。类似项目是指项目单个合同金额不少于 2000万美元,并且其中至少含建筑面积1万平米以上的单体民用建筑工程1项。 投标人应提供相关书面证明文件,需提供合同和交/竣工验收证书等彩色扫描复印件,相关材料应能证明符合业绩要求的内容,合同复印件至少应能显示建设地点、建设内容、合同金额、业主联系方式、合同签订日和签约方签字盖章页,提供相关证明文件的中文,并提供英文翻译供参考。投标人应在开标现场,提供书面证明文件正本,以备评标核查。为评标目的,如果合同币种不是美元,将以开标日中国银行总行首次发布的外币对人民币的现汇卖出价换算成美元计算。 ⑩ 投标人应提供在过去三年(2015-至今)以来合同完成或执行过程中准确的诉讼或仲裁的信息和最大的赔偿责任限额。所有未决的诉讼和仲裁,如有,都应以不利于投标人一方解决,其总额应不超过投标人总资产和总负债差额净值的50%(总资产和总负债以2017年经审计的财务报表为准)。如资料显示投标人总是败诉,其投标将被拒绝。 11 投标人必须证明其能够满足如下关键职位的人员要求: 序号 职务 学历 职称和执业资格证 1 项目经理 本科及以上 工程师和一级注册建造师 2 技术负责人 本科及以上 高级工程师 3 安全负责人 本科及以上 工程师 4 质检负责人 本科及以上 工程师 5 财务负责人 本科及以上 会计中级职称或注册造价工程师 投标人需提供以上人员的身份证、注册证书和/或执业资格证书、职称证书、学历证书、劳动合同(应能证明是投标人单位的固定员工)、投标人为以上人员缴纳的社保证明等复印件以及工作简历。 12 投标人必须证明其能够满足本工程建设关键设备的要求,由投标人自行申报。 13 投标人应提供1套证明彩色扫描复印件,证实其符合ISO9000质量管理体系认证、ISO14001环境管理体系认证和OHSAS18001职业健康安全管理体系认证标准或同等标准。 14 投标企业需在陕西建设网“陕西建筑市场监管与诚信信息一体化平台”可查询到企业基本信息和拟参与本次资格预审投标的注册建造师信息(附网站截图),凡未在《陕西省建筑市场与诚信信息一体化平台》登记的施工单位及建造师,不得参与本项目的资格预审。 15 没有处于被责令停业,投标资格被取消,财产被接管、冻结,破产状态。由申请人出具加盖单位公章和法定代表人签字或盖章的承诺书证明。 16 在最近三年内没有骗取中标和严重违约及重大工程质量问题。由申请人出具加盖单位公章和法定代表人签字或盖章的承诺书证明。 17 投标人在法律和财务方面独立,并与招标人或招标代理机构无任何隶属关系;单位负责人为同一人或者存在控股、管理关系的不同单位,不得同时参加本项目的投标。需由申请人出具加盖单位公章和法定代表人签字或盖章的承诺书证明,说明投标人在法律和财务方面独立,并与招标人或招标代理机构无任何隶属关系;并且不存在单位负责人为同一人或者存在控股、管理关系的不同单位,同时参加本项目的投标情况。 18 本次资格预审不接受联合体资格预审申请。
只有参加并通过资格预审的投标申请人方可参加本工程的投标。 只接受在中国技术进出口集团有限公司正式登记并购买资格预审招标文件的投标人递交的资格预审文件。
6、资格预审方法 本次资格预审采用有限数量制。
潜在的投标人在购买资格预审文件前,需由拟参与本次资格预审投标的投标人授权代表携带以下资料报名,相关资料的彩色扫描件应通过电邮发给招标代理。此资料仅用于购买资格预审文件,不是资格预审投标文件的组成部分,不能用于资格预审开标和评标。如任何潜在投标人没有提供下述资料,将不能购买资格预审招标文件。报名资料中要求的证书、证件均为复印件,复印件需加盖单位公章或由被授权人签字。 所有报名资料只需提供中文版本,如贷款机构需要审核报名资料,投标人在收到招标代理机构的通知后,应另行提供英文翻译供参考。投标人提交的资格预审投标文件应同时提供英文和中文,如两种语言不一致,将以英文为准。 (1)1份法人授权委托书正本、经办人本人身份证原件和1份复印件,营业执照、企业资质证书、安全生产许可证的彩色扫描复印件各1份; (2)一级注册建造师身份证、一级注册建造师执业资格证书、建安B类安全生产考核合格证书的彩色扫描复印件各1份; (3)过去3年(2015-2017)经审计的财务报表彩色扫描复印件1套。 (4)业绩证明文件,需提供合同和交/竣工验收证书等彩色扫描复印件1套,证实在过去10年(自2008年1月1日至招标公告发布日)以来,以合同签订时间为准,投标人以施工总承包完成至少2个类似项目。类似项目是指项目单个合同金额不少于 2000万美元,并且其中至少含建筑面积1万平米以上的单体民用建筑工程1项。相关材料应能证明符合业绩要求的内容,合同复印件至少应能显示建设地点、建设内容、合同金额、业主联系方式、合同签订日和签约方签字盖章页。为评标目的,如果合同币种不是美元,将以开标日中国银行总行首次发布的外币对人民币的现汇卖出价换算成美元计算。 (5)ISO9000质量管理体系认证、ISO14001环境管理体系认证和OHSAS18001职业健康安全管理体系认证证书或同等标准证书的彩色扫描复印件1套。
8、所有资格预审投标书应于 2018年10月10日上午9时30分 (北京时间)之前递交到陕西省西安市未央区凤城二路天地时代广场b座西段15层(在七天连锁酒店进入后坐电梯,到达后咨询前台)国信招标陕西分公司第八会议室。在此时间后递交的标书将不被接受。
9、兹定于 2018年10月10日上午9时30分 (北京时间)公开开标,开标地点:陕西省西安市未央区凤城二路天地时代广场b座西段15层(在七天连锁酒店进入后坐电梯,到达后咨询前台)国信招标陕西分公司第八会议室。届时请参加资格预审投标的投标人出席开标仪式。每个投标人只能派1名授权代表出席开标仪式,授权代表需出示法人授权书正本和其身份证原件后才能进入开标室,递交资格预审投标文件。
业主名称: 陕西青年职业学院 地 址: 陕西省西安市碑林区含光北路155号 邮 编: 710068 联 系 人: 焦恒毅 先生 电 话: 029-88408242 传 真: 029-88408331
招标代理名称: 中国技术进出口集团有限公司 地 址: 北京市丰台区西三环中路90号公海彩船大厦2107室 邮 编: 100055 联 系 人: 邹峻峰 先生、鲁晓萱 女士、焦继庆 先生 电 话: 010-63349322,63349164,63349365 传 真: 010-63373746 电子邮箱: zoujunfeng@cntic.genertec.com.cn luxiaoxuan@cntic.genertec.com.cn jiaojiqing@cntic.genertec.com.cn 户 名: 中国技术进出口集团有限公司 开户银行: 中国银行北京西城支行 银行代码: BKCHCNBJ110 银行地址: 中国北京阜成门外大街5号 银行邮编: 100037 帐 号: 人民币:349357516632 美 元:325957516809
INVITATION FOR PREQUALIFICATION (IFP) Bid No: 0706-18500004N022 For Shaanxi Youth Vocational College New Campus Construction Project under the OPEC Fund for International Development (OFID)
1. Shaanxi Youth Vocational College (hereinafter referred to as the Employer) has received financing from the OPEC Fund for International Development (OFID) towards the cost for procuring the civil works for Shaanxi Youth Vocational College New Campus Construction Project under the OPEC Fund for International Development (OFID).
China National Technical Import & Export Corporation (hereinafter referred to as CNTIC) as the Tendering Agent and on behalf of the Employer hereby invites sealed prequalification bids from eligible bidders for the construction and completion of the civil works for Shaanxi Youth Vocational College New Campus Construction Project under the OPEC Fund for International Development (OFID). Documentary evidence will be required of all bidders that they have qualifications, experience and capacity to be able to successfully complete the contract on time for the civil works offered.
2. Project overview Construction works of new campus for Shaanxi Youth Vocational College (Shaanxi Youth League School) is located in Changning New Area, Chang’an District, Xi’an next to Changning Palace in the north of the Fourth Shenhe Road, in the east of Shaanxi Electronic Technical College, and in the south of the Third Shenhe Road. Total planned land area of new campus is 263333 square meters (including 220667 square meters of net land) with total floor area of 260,730 square meters (including 218,997 square meters of ground area and 41,733 square meters of underground air works and garage). The works has total investment of 1.037 billion yuan and is planned to be commenced in September 2018 and completed in December 2021. 3. Engineering overview The works is the construction works of new campus for Shaanxi Youth Vocational College constructed with OPEC fund. ① Construction site of the works: It is located in Changning New Area, Chang’an District, Xi’an in the north of the Fourth Shenhe Road, in the east of Shaanxi Electronic Technical College, and in the south of the Third Shenhe Road. ② Construction scale: Including training buildings 1#, 2#, 3#, and 4#, teaching buildings 5# and 8#, complex building 6#, library 7#, department and teachers’ office building 9#, student center 14#, assembly hall 21#, underground building 22# in teaching area, etc. Total floor area is 117,931 square meters. The budget estimate is 297 million yuan. 11 buildings are: Experimental training and teaching building 1# is of frame structure (five floors on the ground) with height of 20.55m and floor area of 10,403 square meters. Experimental training and teaching building 2# is of frame structure, which has five floors on the ground and a underground floor with height of 20.55m. Floor area on the ground is 9,711 square meters. Underground floor area is 1,935 square meters. Total floor area is 11,646 square meters. Experimental training and teaching building 3# is of frame structure, which has five floors on the ground and a underground floor with height of 20.55m. Floor area on the ground is 9,711 square meters. Underground floor area is 1,935 square meters. Total floor area is 11,646 square meters. Experimental training and teaching building 4# is of frame structure, which has five floors on the ground and no underground floor with height of 20.55m and floor area of 10,403 square meters. Teaching building 5# is of frame structure, which has five floors on the ground and no underground floor with height of 20.55m and floor area of 10,311 square meters. Complex building 6# is of frame structure, which has five floors on the ground and a underground floor with height of 20.55m. Floor area on the ground is 9,726 square meters. Underground floor area is 1,927 square meters. Total floor area is 11,653 square meters Library 7# is of frame-shear wall structure, which has five floors on the ground and no underground floor with height of 24m and floor area of 13,547 square meters. Teaching building 8# is of frame structure, which has 5 floors on the ground and no underground floor with height of 20.25m and floor area of 10,311 square meters. Department and teachers’ office building 9# is of frame structure, which has 5 floors on the ground and no underground floor with height of 20.25m and floor area of 8,387 square meters. Teacher and student activity center 14# is of frame structure, which has 2 or 3 floors on the ground and no underground floor with height of 19.65m and floor area of 3,149 square meters. Assembly hall 21# is of frame structure, which has 2 floors on the ground and no underground floor with height of 18.75m and floor area of 3,352 square meters. Basement 22# in teaching area is of frame-shear wall structure, which has no floor on the ground and a underground floor with height of 4m and floor area of 13,083 square meters. ③ Construction period: six hundred ten (610) calendar days. 4. Bidding will be conducted through the National Competitive Bidding procedures. The bidding is open to all bidders from Eligible Sources Countries as defined in the Procurement Guidelines under Loans Extended by the OPEC Fund for International Development (OFID) . The currency of the bid shall be US dollar. The Bid, as well as all correspondence and documents relating to the bid exchanged by the Bidder, the Tendering Agent and the Employer, shall be written in English and Chinese languages. The two languages of Chinese and English have the same effectiveness. In the event of any discrepancies between them, the English version shall govern. 5. Qualification requirements for bidder The minimum qualification and experience requirements for the eligible bidders are as follows: 1)Bidder applying for participating in prequalification bidding shall have valid business license issued by competent authority of the government, qualification above second grade (including second grade) for general contracting of construction works issued by Competent Construction Administration Department, and safety production permit issued by Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development. 2)The Bidder shall have been registered for no less than ten years with corporate registered capital fund of no less than 200 million yuan. 3)Qualification of Project Manager: Project Manager shall have registered qualification certificate of first grade constructor for architecture engineering speciality and valid certificate for safety production examination (which is certificate B for construction and installation works) and shall have never held the post of Project Manager for other construction in process. 4)The Bidder shall have independent legal qualification, shall be independently operated and accounted, and shall have construction experience and have made certain achievement in similar works; 5)The Bidder shall have sufficient ability to successfully complete the works in equipment, personnel, fund, quality assurance, construction safety, environmental protection, and other management systems and shall have sufficient valid certificates. 6)Average annual construction turnover in the past three years (2015 - 2017) has been 130 million USD at least. The Bidder shall provide a set of copies for audited financial statements in the past three years (2015 - 2017) and shall provide audited Chinese financial statements and English version for reference. In order to evaluate the bid, if the currency in financial statements is not USD, the currency shall be converted into USD according to spot selling rate between foreign currency and RMB firstly issued by Head Office of Bank of China on bid opening date. 7)Profitability in the past three years (2015 - 2017), annual net assets (balance between total assets and total liabilities) of the Bidder in the past three years shall be positive value. 8)The Bidder shall provide an original letter of bank reference in Chinese issued by the bank within three months before bid opening and shall provide English version for reference. Credit line shall be noted in the letter of bank reference. Credit line shall be no less than 20 million USD or equivalent RMB (calculated according to spot selling rate between USD and RMB firstly issued by Head Office of Bank of China on bid opening date). If the credit line is not indicated in the bank reference letter or the bank reference letter issued by more than 2 banks, the bid shall be rejected. 9)The Bidder has completed 2 similar projects at least in the form of general constructing in the past 10 years (from January 1, 2008 to date of issuing for tendering announcement), subject to the signature date of the Contract. Similar project refers to project with single contract amount of no less than 20 million USD and at least one single civil construction works with floor area of more than 10 thousand square meters is included in the contract.. The Bidder shall provide relevant written certificates, colorful scanning copies of contract, delivery/completion acceptance certificate, etc., and content of relevant materials which can prove that performance requirements are satisfied. Contract copies shall show construction site, construction content, contract amount, contact information of the Employer, date of signature for the Contract, and page for signatories to sign and official seal at least. Moreover, Chinese versions of relevant certificates shall be provided together with English versions for reference. The Bidder shall provide original of written certificate on bid opening site so as to evaluate and check in the bid evaluation. In order to evaluate the bid, in case the contract currency is not USD, the currency shall be converted into USD according to spot selling rate between foreign currency and RMB firstly issued by Head Office of Bank of China on bid opening date. 10)The Bidder shall provide accurate litigation or arbitration information and the maximum compensation liability limit in completion or implementation process hereof in the past three years (from 2015 to present). All pending litigation and arbitration (if any) shall be treated as resolved against the Bidder. Total amount shall be no more than 50% of net value of balance between total assets and total liabilities of the Bidder (total assets and total liabilities are subject to financial statements audited in 2017). In case data shows that the Bidder always loses lawsuits, the bid shall be rejected. 11)The Bidder shall prove that the following requirements for personnel in key positions are satisfied: No. Duty Education background Professional title and practice qualification certificate 1 Project Manager Bachelor degree or above Engineer and first grade constructor 2 Technical Principal Bachelor degree or above Senior Engineer 3 Safety Principal Bachelor degree or above Engineer 4 Quality Control Principal Bachelor degree or above Engineer 5 Financial Principal Bachelor degree or above Accounting Intermediate Title or Certified Cost Engineer The Bidder shall provide copies of identification card, registered certificate and/or registered qualification certificate, certificate of professional title, certificate of education background, and employment contract (which can prove permanent employees of the Bidder) of above-mentioned personnel, social security certificate paid by the Bidder for above-mentioned personnel, and resumes. 12)The Bidder shall prove that requirements for key equipment of the works construction can be satisfied. Moreover, declaration shall be voluntarily made by the Bidder. 13)The Bidder shall provide a set of colorful scanning copies so as to prove that the bidder has been found to conform to relevant standards of ISO9000 quality management system certification, ISO14001 environment management system certification, OHSAS18001 occupational health safety management system certification standards or equal standards. 14)The bid enterprise can be searched basic information of enterprise and information of certified constructor to participate in the prequalification bid on “Shaanxi Integrated Platform for Construction Market Supervision and Integrity Information” on website “www.shaanxijs.gov.cn”(website screenshot shall be attached). Construction organizations and constructors who are not registered on “Shaanxi Integrated Platform for Construction Market Supervision and Integrity Information” shall not participate in prequalification of the project. 15)The Bidder shall not be ordered to be closed down with bidding qualification being cancelled and property being handed over, frozen, or broken. The Applicant shall issue certificate for letter of commitment with official seal and signature or seal of Legal Representative. 16)The Bidder shall not win a bid by fraudulent means or have no serious breach of contract or major engineering quality problems in recent three years. The Applicant shall issue certificate for letter of commitment with official seal and signature or seal of Legal Representative. 17)The Bidder shall be independent in legal and financial aspects and shall have no subordination relation with the Tenderee or Tendering Agency. In case the Unit Leader is the same person or different units which have holding and administrative relation with each other, they shall not participate in bid of the project at the same time. The Applicant shall issue certificate for letter of commitment with official seal and signature or seal of Legal Representative so as to indicate that the Bidder is independent in legal and financial aspects, has no subordination relation with the Tenderee or Tendering Agency; there is no circumstance that the same Unit Leader or different units which have holding or administrative relation with each other participate in bid of the project at the same time. 18)Application of joint venture for prequalification is not accepted in the prequalification. Only the Bidding Applicant who participates in and passes prequalification can participate in bid of the works. Only Prequalification Bids received from bidders duly registered with CNTIC when buying the prequalificaiton bidding document will be accepted. 6. Prequalification method The prequalification method shall adopt limited quantity system. 7.The prospective bidders who are interested in this project are kindly requested to contact China National Technical Import & Export Corporation for obtaining prequalification bidding document between 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. on working days from September 13th, 2018 to September 27th, 2018 Beijing time (Weekend and public holidays excepted) in Room 2107, Genertec Plaza, No.90 Xisanhuan Zhonglu, Fengtai District, Beijing, China, 100055, upon non-refundable payment of RMB1,200.00. We can accept the request from the applicant for dispatch by registered mail, but under no circumstances will it be held responsible for late delivery or loss of the documents so mailed. For mail order, an extra RMB400.00 shall be added. Before the potential Bidder purchases the prequalification bidding documents, the authorized representative of the Bidder who intends to participate in the prequalification bidding shall register with the following materials, and colorful scanning copy of the relevant materials should be sent to the tendering agent via E-mail. The materials are only used for purchasing prequalification bidding documents, not an integral part of prequalification bid documents, and can not be used for prequalification bid opening and bid evaluation. If any potential Bidder fails to provide the following information, he will not be allowed to purchase the prequalification bidding documents. The certificates and documents required in the registration materials are all copies which shall be affixed with the official seal or signed by the authorized person. Only Chinese version of registration materials shall be provided for register. If OFID needs to review the registration materials, after receiving the notice from the tendering agent, the bidder shall provide a separate English translation for reference. The prequalification bid documents submitted by the Bidder shall be provided in both English and Chinese. In case of any inconsistency between the two languages, English version shall prevail. (1) One original of Power of Attorney, the original and one duplicate copy of identification card of the responsible person, and one colorful scanning copy each for business license, enterprise qualification certificate and safety production license; (2) One colorful scanning copy each for identification card of first grade constructor, registered qualification certificate of first grade constructor and safety production examination certificate B for construction and installation works; (3) One set of colorful scanning copies of audited financial statement in the past 3 years (2015 - 2017). (4) Documentary evidence for performance, a set of colorful scanning copies of contract, delivery/completion acceptance certificate, etc. so as to confirm that the Bidder has completed 2 similar projects at least in the form of general constructing in the past 10 years (from January 1, 2008 to date of issuing for tendering announcement), subject to the signature date of the Contract. Similar project refers to project with single contract amount of no less than 20 million USD and single civil construction works with floor area of more than 10 thousand square meters at least. Content of relevant materials shall prove that performance requirements are satisfied and contract copies shall show construction site, construction content, contract amount, contact information of the Employer, date of signature for the Contract, and page for signatories to sign and official seal at least. (5) One set of colorful scanning copies of ISO9000 quality management system certification, ISO14001 environment management system certification, OHSAS18001 occupational health safety management system certification standards or equal standards. 8. The deadline for submission of prequalification bids is before or at 9:30 a.m. on October 10th, 2018 (Beijing time) at No.8 conference room, GuoxinTenderiging Group Shaanxi Subsidiary, 15th floor, west part of B building, Tiandishidai plaza, Fengcheng Erlu, Weiyang district, Xi’an city, Shaanxi province (please consult with the reception after entering the seven days hotel and going upstairs by elevator). Bids received after that date and time would not be accepted.
9. Bids will be opened in public at 9:30 a.m. on October 10th, 2018 (Beijing time) at the place of No.8 conference room, GuoxinTenderiging Group Shaanxi Subsidiary, 15th floor, west part of B building, Tiandishidai plaza, Fengcheng Erlu, Weiyang district, Xi’an city, Shaanxi province (please consult with the reception after entering the seven days hotel and going upstairs by elevator). Bidders are kindly requested to be present. Each bidder can only assign one authorized representative to attend the bid opening ceremony. The authorized representative can enter the bid opening room and submit the prequalification bids only after showing the original power of attorney and the original identification card.
10. This Invitation for Prequalification will be published in China on the website “www.sntba.com” . Name of Employer: Shaanxi Youth Vocational College Address: No.155 Hanguang Beilu, Beilin district, Xi’an city, Shaanxi province, P.R.China Post Code: 710068 Contact person: Mr. Jiao Hengyi Tel. No.: 029-88408242 Fax No.: 029-88408331
Name of Tendering Agent: China National Technical Import & Export Corporation Address: Room 2107, Genertec Plaza, No. 90 Xisanhuan Zhonglu, Fengtai District, Beijing, China Post Code: 100055 Contact person: Mr. Zou Junfeng, Ms.Lu Xiaoxuan, Mr.Jiao Jiqing Tel. No.: 010-63349322, 63349164, 63349365 Fax No.: 010-63373746 E-Mail: zoujunfeng@cntic.genertec.com.cn luxiaoxuan@cntic.genertec.com.cn jiaojiqing@cntic.genertec.com.cn
Name of account: China National Technical Import & Export Corporation Bank: Bank of China Beijing Xicheng Sub-branch Bank address: No.5 Fuchengmenwai Street, Beijing China Post Code:100037 Swift Code: BKCHCNBJ110 Account No.: 349357516632(CNY) 325957516809(USD)