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    中广核高新核材集团(太仓)三角洲新材料有限公司新建13.485万吨高聚物材料项目塑料混炼造粒线(往复机)采购(重新招标)Plastic mixing and granulating lines (Reciprocating machine)of CGN Advanced Materials Group (Taicang) Delta New Materials Co.,Ltd. 13.485 mi

    IFB No.: 0706-17400002J078

    来源: 作者: 时间:2018-01-22【字号:
    China National Technical Import and Export Corporation (CNTIC), hereinafter called as the “Tendering Agency”, for and on behalf of CGN Advanced Materials Group (Taicang) Delta New Materials Co.,Ltd. (hereinafter called the “Tenderee ”), invites sealed bids from eligible suppliers at home and abroad for the supply of the following service by way of International Competitive Bidding.

    项目名称: 中广核高新核材集团(太仓)三角洲新材料有限公司新建13.485万吨高聚物材料项目(重新招标)(以下简称“项目”)
    Project Name:CGN Advanced Materials Group (Taicang) Delta New Materials Co.,Ltd.13.485 million tons of polymer materials Project(Re-bidding) (hereinafter called “Project”)

    国际招标名称: 塑料混炼造粒线(往复机)
    IFB Name: Plastic mixing and granulating lines (Reciprocating machine)

    招标编号: 0706-17400002J078
    IFB No.: 0706-17400002J078

    Tendering Agent:China National Technical Import and Export Corporation

    发布日期: 2018年1月22日
    Date: January 22th, 2018

    1. 项目简介:根据中广核高新核材集团(太仓)三角洲新材料有限公司新建13.485万吨高聚物材料项目规划,新购置塑料混炼造粒线(往复机)一条,用于生产产品。
    Project brief:Purchase one set of reciprocating machine for CGN Advanced Materials Group (Taicang) Delta New Materials Co.,Ltd. 13.485 million tons of polymer materials Project

    2. 招标范围及交货期:
    Bidding Scope & Delivery Schedule:
    List of Products:

    序号 商务名称 型号及技术参数 数量 单位
    NO. Product name Main Technical Data Quantity Unit
    1 塑料混炼造粒线(往复机) 详见“技术参数” 1 条
    Plastic mixing and granulating lines See in the Section 8 Line
    (Reciprocating machine)

    According to the Technical Specification.
    Delivery :10 months after the contract comes into effect.

    3. 投标人资格:
    Bidder’s Qualifications:
    1) 投标人必须是在中华人民共和国境内境外注册的独立法人,未被处于责令停业、投标资格被取消、或者财产被接管、冻结和破产状态;
    The bidder shall legally register in China or foreign countries, not in a state of proscribed, disqualify the bid qualification, property has distrained, frozen or bankrupt;
    2) 投标人(联合体牵头方)如为境内投标人,应该具备增值税一般纳税人资格;
    If the Bidder (or The leading party of JV) is a domestic bidder, should be a General Tax Payer;
    3) 投标人应提供近三年经审计的财务报告(2014年-2016年)以证明其具有良好的现金流和财务状况;
    The bidder shall have good financial status and reputation and provide the audited Financial Statements from 2014 to 2016;
    4) 投标人应具有2个同类(产能:700-1100kg/h 公斤/小时混炼造粒线)产品的业绩(提供合同)应用于生产。接受制造商通过代理销售的业绩:应提供与代理销售合同相匹配的制造商授权书或制造商与代理商签订的委托代理合同(制造商应与本次投标设备制造商一致);
    The bidder shall have more than two records in field (Contracts) of the same type of machinery (Plastic mixing and granulating lines, Production Capacity 700-1100kg/h). Agency sales contract is accepted: Should provide the power of attorney of manufacturer or the agency contract signed by the manufacturer and the agent. (The manufacturer of records should be same as the manufacturer of this bid).;
    5) 本次招标接受联合体投标,应满足以下条件:
    The consortium bidding is allowed in this project, the following conditions should be met:
    The leading party should conform with all of the bidders qualifications;
    The Bidder shall provide the Joint Venture Agreement stating the leading party , work scope and responsibility of each member, as well as the promise to undertake joint liability to the Tenderee by all members of the Joint Venture;
    There are no more than three members of the consortium. Any party to a joint venture shall not submit bid independently in its name or participate in another joint venture;
    If the manufacturer as a member of Joint Venture, the manufacturer should conform the Article 3 of the bidders qualifications.
    6) 本次招标接受代理商投标:代理商应同时提供制造商满足上文第1)-4)条规定的资质证明文件,且制造商资质业绩应满足本次招标对投标人的资格要求;代理商应满足除业绩以外的其他投标人资格要求;代理商应提供制造商授权委托书,一家代理商仅允许作为一家制造商的唯一代理机构。
    Agents bid is accepted. Agents should provide the manufacturer's qualifications according to No.1)-4). The manufacturers should conform with all of the bidders qualifications. Agents should conform to all of the bidder’s qualifications except the records. The agent shall provide the power of attorney of manufacturer, and as a sole agency of one manufacturer to participate in bidding.
    *The bidder must meet all the qualifications, provide real and effective evidence in line with the bidder, and make sure the copy of certificate file has been yearly checked, if not it will lead to the rejection of bid.

    4. 招标文件的获取:
    Purchasing Bidding Documents:
    * Bidders should submit the following documents before obtaining Bidding Documents (the duplicate documents should be with official seal or signed by the Attorney). The following documents shall be only used in purchasing Bidding Documents, and shall not be a part of the bids:
    For Domestic bidders:
    a) 企业法人营业执照(复印件);
    Business License for Enterprises as a Legal Person (Duplicate)
    b) 法人授权委托书正本、经办人本人身份证复印件。
    Original of the Power of Attorney, One duplicate of the Responsible person’s Identity Card;
    c) 投标商购买招标文件开票信息:包括单位名称,纳税人识别号、地址、电话、开户银行和账号。
    Information of invoice for purchasing bidding document: Bidder’s name, ID number of the taxpayer, address, phone number, Bidder’s bank and account No.;
    d) 投标商如要求开具购买招标文件增值税专用发票,应提供一般纳税人证明复印件并加盖公章或财务章,一般纳税人证明仅需提供下列中的一种:
    If the Bidder need the VAT invoice (special)for purchasing bidding document, the Bidder shall provide the General Taxpayer Verification with official seal or financial seal (One of the following);
    issued by the tax authorities;
    affixed with Tax Bureau seal;
    affixed with the word "General Taxpayer";
    Others, such as VAT invoice for other buyer.
    e) 非一般纳税人投标商无须提供(d),只能开具购买招标文件增值税普通发票。
    Non-General Taxpayer as the bidder don’t have to provide (d), and only VAT invoice (Normal) for purchasing bidding document can be issued by CNTIC.
    For Foreign Bidders:
    a) 企业法人营业执照或相关企业注册证明文件(复印件);
    Business License for Enterprises as a Legal Person or related documentary evidence for registration (Duplicate)
    b) 境外投标人只能开具购买招标文件商业发票。
    Only commercial invoice for purchasing bidding document can be issued by CNTIC.

    1) 购买时间:2018年1月22日至2018年1月29日(节假日除外),每天上午9:00至11:00,下午2:00至4:00(北京时间),节假日除外。
    Time of Obtaining Bidding Documents: 9:00-11:00am and 2:00-4:00pm (Beijing time), from January 22th,2018 to January 29th,2018 (Weekends and public holidays except).
    2) 购买地点:北京市丰台区西三环中路90号公海彩船大厦2107室
    Place of Obtaining Bidding Documents: China National Technical Import and Export Corporation
    Address: Room 2107, Genertec Plaza, No.90, Xisanhuan Zhonglu, Fengtai District, Beijing 100055, P.R.CHINA.
    电话(Telephone): 86-10-63349164/9322
    传真(Facsimile): 86-10-63373746
    联系人(Contact Person):鲁晓萱 女士 Ms. Lu Xiaoxuan
    邹峻峰 先生 Mr. Zou Junfeng
    电子邮箱(E-mail): luxiaoxuan@cntic.genertec.com.cn/
    开户银行: 中国银行北京西城支行
    账 号: 349357516632(人民币)
    ACCOUNT NO.: 349357516632(CNY)
    Notes: Please obtain the Bidding Documents during the period of sale. And only the Bidder who obtained the Bidding Documents according to above requirements can submit the bid.

    5. 招标文件售价:本套招标文件(包括电子版)的售价为1000元(大写:人民币壹仟元)或200美元(大写:贰佰美元整),招标文件售后一律不退。此款须在获取招标文件之前或同时以现金的形式交付。
    Price of Bidding Documents: A complete set of Bidding Documents (including electronic version) may be purchased by any interested Bidder upon payment of a non-refundable fee of RMB1000 (RMB Yuan one thousand only) or USD200 (US Dollars two hundred only). The bidder shall pay directly to the tendering agent in remittance or cash.

    6. 投标截止时间和开标时间:根据招标人要求,投标人的投标文件须于2018年2月12日9:00(北京时间)之前递交至开标地点,如有变化,另行通知。逾期收到或不符合规定的投标文件恕不接受。不接受邮寄方式提交投标文件。
    The Deadline for Submitting Bids/Time of Bid Opening: At 9:00 am (Beijing Time), February.12th, 2018. The bids arrived later than this time or the bids not comply with the requirements of Bidding Document will not be accepted. Mailing Bid Document will not be accepted.

    7. 开标地点:深圳市深南大道2002号中广核大厦北楼11层招标中心开标室1
    Place of Bid Opening:Room 1, CGN bidding center, 11th floor, North tower of CGN Plaza, No.2002, Shennan avenue, Shenzhen, P.R.China

    Tenderee :CGN Advanced Materials Group (Taicang) Delta New Materials Co.,Ltd.
    The Tendering Agent:China National Technical Import and Export Corporation