1. 本资格预审邀请时根据2013年1月7日出版的联合国发展商务报和发展门户网站上的本项目总采购公告而发出的。
2. 中华人民共和国从世界银行(以下简称“世行”)得到了一笔贷款用于湄洲湾航道三期工程(Ⅱ阶段)项目的建设, 其中部分贷款的资金将用于湄洲湾航道三期工程(Ⅱ阶段)土建工程的合格支付。
合同MZW-HD01: 湄洲湾航道三期工程(Ⅱ阶段)土建工程
3. 受福建省湄洲湾港口管理局的委托,中国技术进出口总公司作为招标代理为了采购湄洲湾航道三期工程(Ⅱ阶段)土建工程将对承包商进行资格预审。申请人可对1个或多个合同提出申请。估计本合同的招标邀请将在2013年8月进行。
4. 资格预审将按照世界银行2011年1月颁布的采购指南:国际复兴开发银行贷款和国际开发协会信贷采购指南所规定的程序进行,并允许采购指南中规定的合格成员国的所有投标人参加。
5. 凡有兴趣的合格申请人于2013年7月1日起(周六日、法定假日除外)可以从招标代理(地址如下)在每周一至周五的上午9:00时至11:00时、下午14:00时至16:00时(北京时间)获取进一步的信息及查阅资格预审文件。任何有兴趣的申请人可在提交书面申请并交纳一笔不可退还的1500元人民币或280美元费用后购得一套资格预审文件。支付方式可以是现金、支票或者电汇(银行资料附后)。资格预审文件可现场购买,也可以提供特快专递EMS方式(申请人需另行支付邮费100元或15美元)。
6. 资格预审申请书应装入密封的信封在不晚于2013年8月12日上午9时30分(北京时间)递交至下述地址:福建省泉州市泉港区泉五中路329#福建省湄洲湾港口管理局712房间,并在信封上清楚地标明“湄洲湾航道三期工程(Ⅱ阶段)土建工程项目(招标编号:0706-12300003J001)资格预审申请书”,同时注明合同名称及合同号。
地 址:北京市丰台区西三环中路90号公海彩船大厦2104室
联 系 人:赵青娟、胡振华
电 话:86-10-63349317/9417
传 真:86-10-63373697
帐 号 :778350034460
城市: 泉州市
Invitation for Prequalification
The People’s Republic of China
Meizhou Bay Navigation Improvement Project
Meizhou Bay Navigation Channel Phase-III Engineering Project (Sub-phaseⅡ)
ICB No.: 0706-12300003J001 (Project ID.124848)
This invitation for prequalification follows the General Procurement Notice for this Project that appeared in UN Development Business on line, on Jan.7, 2013.
The People’s Republic of China has received a loan from the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development(IBRD)toward the cost of Fujian Meizhou Bay Navigation Improvement Project, and it intends to apply part of the proceeds of this loan to payments under the 2 contracts for Meizhou Bay Navigation Channel Phase-III Engineering Project (Sub-phaseⅡ). Applications may be made for prequalification for one or more of the contracts.
Entrusted by Meizhou Bay Harbor Administration Bureau (MBHAB), China National Technical Import and Export Corporation intends to prequalify contractors and/or firms for Works of the above mentioned Project. It is expected that invitations for bid will be made in August 2013.
The identification of the contracts comprising this ICB is as below:
Contract No.: MZW-HD01, Works Contract for Meizhou Bay Navigation Channel Phase-III Engineering Project (Sub-phaseⅡ)
Contract No.: MZW-HD02, Works Contract for Meizhou Bay Navigation Channel Phase-III Engineering Project (Sub-phaseⅡ)
Prequalification will be conducted through prequalification procedures specified in the World Bank’s Guidelines: Procurement under IBRD Loans and IDA Credits, January 2011, and is open to all bidders from eligible source countries, as defined in the guidelines.
Interested eligible Applicants may obtain further information from and inspect the prequalification document at the office of China National Technical Import and Export Corporation (address below) during its following office hours 9:00—11:00/14:00—16:00 starting from July 1, 2013 (Saturday, Sunday and holiday excepted). A complete set of the prequalification document in English may be purchased by interested Applicants (a) on the submission of a written application to the address below and upon payment of a nonrefundable fee of RMB 1,500.00 or USD 280.00. The method of payment will be in cash, cashier’s check or T/T. The document will be sent by hand or by mail (an extra RMB 100 or USD 15 shall be paid for the postage by mail orders).
Applications for prequalification should be submitted in sealed envelopes, delivered to the address below by 9:30(Beijing Time), August 12, 2013, and be clearly marked “Application to Prequalify for Meizhou Bay Navigation Improvement Project, and the Contract Names and Numbers.”
Procurement Agent: China National Technical Import and Export Corporation
Attention: Ms. Zhao Qingjuan, Mr.Hu Zhenhua
Address: Room 2104, Genertec Plaza, No.90,Xisanhuan Zhong Lu,
Fengtai District, Beijing, 100055, P.R. China
Tel. +86-10-63349317, 63349417
Fax. :+86-10-63373697
E-Mail: zhaoqingjuan@cntic.genertec.com.cn
Bank Name: The Headquarter of the Bank of China
Account Name:China National Technical Import and Export Corporation
Account No.: 778350034460
The Submission and Applications Opening Place:
Meizhou Bay Harbor Administration Bureau (MBHAB)
Address: Room 712, No.329, Quanwuzhonglu Road, Quangang District, Quanzhou City, Fujian Province, China (the office building of MBHAB)