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Tendering Announcement:Singapore Photovoltaic-Biomass Energy Integrated Power Generation Project

来源: 作者: 时间:2012-02-21【字号:

Bid No.: 0706-12400002J011

Name of Project: Singapore Photovoltaic-Biomass Energy Integrated Power Generation Project


1. Owner & Tendering Agency

Name of Owner & Party Calling Tender: Solar-Biofuel Power ( Singapore) Pte Ltd


Tendering Agency: China National Technical Import and Export Corporation (CNTIC)

Contact Person: Ms. Wang Peng/ Mr. Zhu Dong

Tel: +86-10-63349048/ +86-10-63349141

Fax: +86-10-63373746


2. Time of Tendering Announcement

Beginning: 2012-02-22   09:00:00

Deadline:   2012-02-29   17:00:00


3. Objective of Tendering

1Project Abstract

Proposed construction site of Singapore Photovoltaic-Biomass Energy Integrated Power Generation Project is located in Singapore. The project is to generate electricity synthetically using rich sunlight resource and wood biomass waste produced from building, decoration, packaging and garden trimming in local as fuel. A photovoltaic system of 70kW is installed on the roof top of factory buildings. A complete biomass power plant system is installed with rated capacity of 9.9 MW. The project complies with industrial policy of energy saving and renewable energy power generation in Singapore. All generated energy is subject to on-grid sale by means of corporate rate or price competition. Annual generated energy of the project is approx. 69.4 million kWh.


2Scope of the Tender

The tender is being called as a full turn-key engineering, procurement and construction (EPC) contract to build the photovoltaic-biomass energy integrated power generation plant and associated facilities. The plant and facilities provided shall comply with the scope of works and technical requirements specified.

The scope of the work under the contract shall be complete and turn-key basis. This shall include but not limited to design, engineering, procurement, installation, construction, testing and commissioning and project management. All necessary government authorities’ submissions and approval (Civil, M&E, Electrical, Mechanical etc).


4. Qualification Requirements:

(1)    Tenders for this Contract will only be considered from Tenderers who are registered with Building and Construction Authority (BCA), Singapore under CW01 Generally Building workhead with grade B1 and above, as published in the website at http://www.bca.gov.sg; The company (the Tenderer or its sub-contractor) who will undertake the mechanical and electrical work of this project shall relevantly registered with BCA under Mechanical and Electrical workhead with grade of L5 and above, as advertised in the website at http://www.bca.gov.sg;

(2)    Tenderers shall be in operation of not less than 5 years in Singapore and at least have a positive net worth, failing which they must be able to provide a performance guarantee by their parent companies. The parent company must at least have a positive net worth;

(3)    The tenderer shall have completed at least one project with total value more than S$ 15,000,000 in the past 5 years in Singapore. The project shall have not resulted in any default of performance, LD or litigations. Tenderers shall have local & international construction experience and familiar with the requirement of construction of biomass power plant at both local or/ and overseas, especially in China;

(4)    Tenderers shall have the ability to provide the necessary performance banker guarantee;

(5)    If the tender is the consortium, he should submitte consortium agreement in the form of the attachment in the purchase of tender documents. At least one party in the consortium shall satisfy the above condition.


5. Entering for Tendering

During the period of announcement, the tenders shall complete the procedure of entering for the tending by  sending a Bidding Statement to the Tendering Agency CNTIC by fax (Fax: +86-10-63373746); the qualification documents required in ITEM 4 is necessary before the 2012-02-29   17:00:00 (Please submission the qualification documents to: Ms. Lu Xiaoxuan  Address: Genertec Plaza 2107 Room, No. 90, Xisanhuan Zhong Lu, Beijing, China).


6. Purchasefor the Tendering Documents

(1) After the project,entering procedure, please go to Genertec Plaza 2107 Room, No. 90, Xisanhuan Zhong Lu, Beijing, China to buy the Tendering Documents.
(2) Time of Selling Bidding Documents:  Before February 29th, 2012 (From 09:00 to 11:30 a.m., 14:00 to 17:00 p.m. Working days).
 (3) Price of each complete set of Bidding Documents is RMB 2000, and the withdrawal for the sold Bidding Documents and refund request shall not be accepted.
The tenders shall pay for the Bidding Documents directly to the responsible person in cash
or make telegraphic remittance.

Contact: Ms. Lu Xiaoxuan

Tel: +86-010-63349164

Fax: +86-10-63373746

E-mail: luxiaoxuan@cntic.genertec.com.cn

Bank Information:

Account Name: China National Technical Import and Export Corporation

Bank (RMB & USD): Bank of China, Head Office

Account No. (RMB): 778350034460

Account No. (USD): 778350040021


7. Deadline and Bid Opening

(1)  Time: 10:00 am on 2012-04-07

(2)  Place: to be informed later.


8. Remark

(1) If the bidder is the consortium, the bidder shall buy the bidding documents on the name of enrolled consortium.

(2) The Bidding Announcement will be released both  on Chinabidding.org (www.chinabidding.com.cn) and China National Technical Import and Export Corporation (CNTIC) company website (http://www.shykjz.com/) , and in case of discrepancy or ambiguity among them, the China National Technical Import and Export Corporation (CNTIC) company website (http://www.shykjz.com/) will prevail

(3) Please feel free to contact the persons of Tendering Agency for any questions .

(4) All the time referred in this accoucement is Beijing Time.
